21 April 2012

Assalamua'laikum w.b.t.

Alhamdulillah,kali ini ana berhasrat untuk berkongsi tentang maksud Sutrah.Mungkin ada yang pernah dengar dan ade yang tidak.Kalau yang pernah dengar pun,ramai antara kita yang masih samar2 tentang erti sebenarnya.

Menurut imam syafie',sutrah ini terbahagi kepada 4 jenis:-

1.Kekal dan suci
Contohnya dinding,partition,etc.
2.Boleh cacak
Contohnya tongkat,kayu,etc.
Contohnya sejadah,tikar,rida',garisan saff di masjid
4.Jarak 3 zira'(3 hasta)
Jikalau orang yang sedang bersolat tidak meletakkan sutrah,agak2 jarak 3 hasta,maka bolehlah kita lalu di hadapannya.

Sutrah ini secara mudahnya adalah penghadang untuk orang yang sedang solat,supaya orang ramai tidak lalu-lalang di hadapannya.Kerana ada satu hadis nabi yang menyatakan,jikalau seseorang itu tahu betapa teruknya perbuatan dia melintas di hadapan orang solat,nescaya dia sanggup menunggu selama 40.(hari/bulan/tahun/etc...wallahua'lam).Maka sutrah ini sebagai penanda aras jarak di mana orang boleh melintas di hadapan orang yang sedang solat...:-)


Tausiah by Syeikh Abdul Karim Yahya

Assalamua'laikum W.B.T.

MasyaAllah,perancangan Allah itu sangat cantik.Awalnya,Habib Ali Zainal Abidin al-Hamid sepatutnya memberi tausiah pada malam 20/4/2012 di Masjid Muadz bin Jabal untuk majlis Ta'lim Darul Murtadza.Namun,Allah datangkan Syeikh Abdul Karim Yahya,salah seorang anak murid kanan Habib Umar bin Mohammad bin Salem bin Hafidz.Beliau menyampaikan tausiah beliau dalam bahasa 'english',berikut ana kongsikan tausiah oleh beliau:-

     First of all,I would say that we Muslim in western countries see you in this region(SEA region) as our role model.And I said this without exaggeration.It is not my intention to come here and give a talk,yet my initial intention is to seek knowledge from masyaikh.

Humanity was given a mission by Allah,and that mission are:-
2.To know Him

     So,vicegerency=khalifah.In this condition,we are ought to represent attributes of Allah thus that explain why Adam was taught with names of Allah as in there lies His attribute.And Allah grant us Muhammad S.A.W to show us the way how to be a khalifah on this Earth.Adam had known about creation of our prophet since the name  of Muhammad was there at the A'rasy.Talking about A'rasy,If we want to compare Kurs with A'rasy,Kurs is like throwing a ring into a dessert.And If we want to compare Earth with Kurs,Earth is like throwing a ring into a dessert.

     Though we are ought to develop the Earth,yet we are know demolishing It.From scientific age before until digital age now,they are only one difference which is destroying Earth.Why is it?It's not because the development or innovation itself,but because this age was associated with cut off with revelation.

     In this age,Parent consider their children success when they excel in Scientific knowledge,yet they don't feel worry when their child don't empower well in understanding Islam.This is what materialistic thinking has do to our ummah.From when do woman start working?After world war 2(WW-II),the westerner had a problem of lacking manpower in their weapon manufacturing.Since then,the women are force to indulge in working field,and it's sad to see that Muslim take that as their reference.Today,if you ask a woman "What are working as?"...and if they answer "as a mother"...they will answer that in shameful manner.They feel shame of not being a lawyer,doctor,etc.Though in Islam,Mother is a most noble title they can hold for.

     Now,what are the tool the westerner used to separate Muslim with their precious history?How come the child now don't know much about our prophet Muhammad S.A.W and sahabiah story,yet they know about world cup,entertainer,etc.This all come from media influence.

     "Knowledge is a stairway to knowledge".From having a knowledge,we aim to practice it by our action.And from our action,we hope that it will be fruitful with worshiping Allah from that action.And always remember,action is more noble than having the knowledge only.Action is essential for every knowledge seeker.

Quoted from Imam Ghazali,Sign of ma'rifah is mahabbah.So,thus who know Allah,surely will love Allah!!!And who want to love Allah,Follow Muhammad S.A.W.(dalam hadis fattabiouni)

Mind that words written above was not exactly the words came out one by one by syeikh,I paraphrase it based on notes I made.Sorry for any knowledge that may be wrong that came from my misunderstanding during the tausiah.

-al-faqir Syed al-Qadri-

20 April 2012

Takabbur.Betulkah kita faham???

Assalamua'laikum w.b.t

Alhamdulillah,ana masih diberi kesempatan untuk menulis di sini.Apa yang ana cuba sampaikan hari ini,adalah kefahaman kita kepada maksud takabbur.Nak tau asal dari mana takabbur ni?klik di sini.:-)

     Baik,takabbur ini merupakan satu penyakit yang makin menular dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam kini.Ingkarnya Syaitan kepada arahan Allah supaya sujud kepada Adam,adalah kerana takabbur.Maka nak ke kita ade sifat ni?tidak bukan?.InsyaAllah,untuk lebih faham,ana akan beri beberapa situasi :-

1.Seorang bapa mengherdik anaknya kerana memberi pendapat
2.Seorang bos memarahi anak buahnya kerana menegurnya
3.Seorang guru merotan anak muridnya kerana membetulkan kesilapan si guru
4.Seorang specialist menghukum HO kerana membetulkan kesilapan rawatan yang diberi
5.Seorang alim terasa hati apabila akhlaknya yang kurang elok ditegur anak muridnya

Ana rasa dah cukup untuk anda semua faham.Takabbur ini bukan terhad kepada orang kaya yang sombong dengan hartanya.Takabbur ini mudah datang kepada orang yang mempunyai pangkat,darjat,harta,etc.Maka bagaimana kita nak elak perasaan ini?

Apa yang ana mampu syorkan,ingat kembali asal usul kita.Semua kita dicipta oleh Allah dan akan kembali kepadanya.Tidak kira apa jawatan yang kita pegang,setinggi mana ilmu kita,setinggi mana darjat kita,....ingatlah apa yang dipandang Allah hanyalah darjat keimanan kita.Akhlak adalah kunci utama untuk kita sentiasa berlapang dada dalam apa jua keadaan.Semoga bermanfaat.


19 April 2012

Pada setiap kaedah umum,ada pengecualiannya...

Assalamua'laikum w.b.t.

     Ingin ana merafakkan setinggi-tinggi syukur atas kurniaan yang Allah kurniakan,walaupun niat di hati tidak kesampaian untuk bersama al--habib Umar ben Hafidz baru-baru ni,tetapi Allah kurniakan peluang untuk bersama-sama seorang ustaz yang mantop berdekatan kawasan perumahan ana...maka hati ini terpanggil utk berkongsi dgn anda semua,semoga bermanfaat hendaknya...

[Dan ingatlah ketika kami berfirman kepada para malaikat,"Sujudlah kamu kepada Adam!"maka mereka pun sujud kecuali iblis.Dia adalah dari golongan jin,maka mereka pun sujud kecuali iblis....]

     Maka mengapa iblis ini tidak mahu sujud kepada adam,walhal itu perintah dari Allah?Terjadinya ini hanya kerana satu sebab yakni TAKABBUR.Syaitan ini merasakan diri mereka lebih baik dari makhluk yang diciptakan dari tanah.dan Allah juga berfirman,"seorang makhluk tidak layak tunduk sujud kepada makhluk yang lain,jika dibolehkan tunduknya makhluk kepada makhluk,maka akan aku perintahkan seorang isteri sujud kepada suaminya."Kerana itulah syaitan ingkar akan perintah Allah...namun apa yang syaitan terlupa???

     Dalam keadaan jalanraya yang lengang dan tenang,semua pengguna jalan raya termaktub untuk patuh kepada lampu isyarat.Itu adalah kaedah umumnya.Namun,tatkala 'peak hour',yakni kebiasaannya waktu balik kerja,muncul seorang pegawai polis trafik bertugas di tengah2 simpang,dan memberi arahan yang bertentangan dengan arahan lampu isyarat.Nah!mana yang perlu kita ikut???.Jika semua pengguna jalanraya faham bagaimana peraturan ini dibuat,iaitu lampu isyarat dicipta oleh manusia untuk memudahkan,namun tatkala lampu isyarat x mampu lagi mengawal keadaan yang sesak,ketika itulah pencipta lampu isyarat itu lebih berkuasa...maka insyaAllah,lancar perjalanan trafik ketika itu.Tapi,bagaimana kalau ade plak la orang yang nak jugak ikut lampu isyarat tu,walhal dah diberi arahan oleh orang yang mencipta lampu isyarat itu???masalah bukan???...inilah yang dipanggil pengecualian

     Begitulah syaitan,boleh dianalogikan yang syaitan itu umpama orang yang ingkar kepada polis trafik tadi.Memang benar Allah berfirman tidak ada makhluk yang layak disembah oleh makhluk.Namun jika Allah telah memberi perintah,di situlah terletak pengecualian.Namun dek kerana sikap TAKABBUR syaitan,arahan yang Maha Esa sanggup diperlekehkan...nau'zubillah min zaalik...

     Maka begitu jugalah kita dalam kehidupan seharian,memang telah ditetapkan kaedah umum dalam setiap urusan harian kita.Namun jika ada di antara kaedah umum tersebut bercanggah dengan al-Quran dan Sunnah,pada ketika itulah pengecualian melebihi kaedah umum...

Perkongsian dari ceramah Al Fadhil Ustaz Che Nordin Che Ibrahim ,Penceramah dan perunding motivasi Human Capital Development Resources (HCDS).Bertempat di Surau al-Ittifaq,Taman Keramat Permai


18 April 2012

Maher Zain "Forgive Me" album review

Assalamua'laikum W.B.T

Alhamdulillah,now I have quite a plenty time for myself...:-).Thank you Allah.The nikmat of this free time is priceless,I pray to Allah that this time is beneficial for me.And not to forget all of my readers.So,I decided to spent my time to share with all of you my review regarding Maher Zain new album,"Forgive Me".For those who know me,they'll understand that I'm a fanatic fan of Maher Zain,because he has turn my life indirectly when I first noticed his music...In every lyrics of his song,it's very inspiring...masyaAllah..

Alright for this album,I like to say that the theme is LOVE.Yes!love in whole broad categories like Allah,Our prophet,family and the societies....


1.I love you so
This song is about how us trying to do every action in our life,only for Allah.In chorus,the lyric beautifully arranged to show how Allah love is the greatest as it can make us feel peace and strong to go through our life with his will.Finally,our ultimate goal is to please Allah in our life~~~

As Maher Zain has a pool of fan in Malaysia and Indonesia,thankfully now they decided to make 2 of the new song translated in malay/indonesian.This song is translated from the song "I love you so"

3.Guide me all the way
This song is about how every servant of Allah surely want to be in Jannah in the end of our life.So,we always pray that this world is only in our hand,not in our heart.We also pray so that Allah always close to us throughout out life so that we won't go astray insyaAllah...

4.Tuntunku kepadamu
This song is malay/indonesian version of "Guide me all the way"

5.Forgive me
Every human make mistakes,and as his servant we are ought to ask for His repent.We always try to avoid our selves from doing Allah prohibition but our surrounding keep on dragging us toward it.So,We must always ask Allah to give us strength to overcome it...and surely we must ask forgiveness from Allah everyday bcoz we never know that we commit sin in every our action .

6.Radhitu billahi rabba(I've accepted Allah as my Lord)
This song is about how our strong belief in existence of Allah as our lord.We know that Allah doesn't need us,yet we need Him the most...although our eyes can't Him,we belief in our heart He is there,and we always pray to see Him in Jannah one day insyaAllah...


Truly this song is very2x beautiful...it show how we miss Rasulullah greatly...How could we love someone who we had never seen before?Only Muhammad S.A.W is the one...Deep in our heart,we want to see Him at least once,and we belief we'll be with whom we love in paradise soon insyaAllah...

Our love for Him is indescribable.If we ever combine all poetry and love song in this world,we still can't describe our love for Him.It would be nice if we could embrace His noble feet and hand just like every rock,tree or sand that has done so...

9.Assalamu alayka
It's a song to describe our feeling when we visit Our prophet at Medina.This song describe our feeling as we enter Masjidul nabawi,and our feeling as we stood in front of His maqam.The feeling of being there and give salam to our prophet is priceless...


10.Masha Allah
This is a song in building a family which is marriage...:-).The same concept of song "Barakallah" before,this song full of dua' upon the brides.Some of the lyrics:And how beautiful it is to see such a pious couple!
May Allah unite you together in Paradise...

11.My little girl
After marriage,surely every couple want a child as their light of life.In this song,Aya Zain,Maher Zain daughter featured at the beginning of the song.so sweet~~~This song show how grateful it feel being a father.And a good father always hope that his child being guided by Allah throughout his/her life.

12.Number one for me
This song are specially arranged to all mothers around the world.Maher Zain said personally that this song is not Islamic directly...but it's more general so that it is more universal and more acceptable by all religions...He said that,indirectly it promote Islam as in Islam,Mother are the one who should be respected the most...

13.So soon
This is a very sad song.It's about how we,who are still alive should be strong to overcome the feeling of loosing him/her...In the end,we have to belief,from Allah we came,and to Him we return...

This song is very beautiful and romantic.It's about how the husband feel so good as now they're in heaven after all the things they gone through.Although they did face episodes of arguments before,but as their realize jannah await for them who tolerate...they overcome it well.This song is a continuation of "For the rest of my life" before...


This song is attributed specially to every citizen whose fight for their countries from dzholim leader.This song is made during revolutionize period of egyptian countries before.Very inspiring song...

16.One big family
This song generally trying to tell us that we are all the same...all of us are human,no matter what races we are,what country we came from,we can't deny that we have similarities... We're all brothers and sisters...:-)

Personally,I think this album is awesome!!!...if we go thru it lyrics one by one,masyaAllah...very beautiful.To see the lyrics,simply click on the songs title above...:-).For me,"I Love You So" would be the best song as it lyrics always make us remember Allah in our heart...

Don't forget to buy original album!!!support quality music...:-)


15 April 2012

Agriculture is awesome!!!

Assalamua'laikum W.B.T.

Alhamdulillah,with the will from Allah S.W.T., I'm still able to write in this blog despite all things that happen to me throughout my life.Recently I got the chance to visit MARDI at Cameron Highland and meet up with one of the researcher there,Mr. Zul....masyaAllah,there's a lot of new knowledge I gain there.Truly,knowledge is everywhere...even at the place we never thought of it.The only things that we need to gain more knowledge is to search for it,those who are not eager for knowledge,the knowledge won't go to them."Seek knowledge,surely it will fetch you"...So,insyaAllah I will share some knowledge I got there with all of you!!!biiznillah...[coming to visit this blog also show that you have effort to seek knowledge...:-)]

Why do we feel sleepy in class???

It's because of the light we use in the classroom,lecture hall,auditorium,etc.Light that emit far red wave represent the wave that sunlight emit through the day,while far blue wave represent wave that are available to us during the night.So,whenever we're exposed to far blue light,our body will response to it by interpreting that now we're at night,that's why we feel sleepy~~~so Mr. Zul said when he is giving lecture,he make sure he will use far red light,for keeping the students awake...:-)(exp of far red light : lamp that are using filament)

That's why in Malaysia,when we want to export chrysanthemum plant to other countries,at MARDI,they will exposed it to far red light at night so that it will interpret as it is daytime,so they will mature faster...

Why do some strawberries sweet?and some sour?

Every fruit have it own fate.For strawberry,Allah S.W.T has set for it to complete it fruit development in 3 month.Thus,no matter it receive or not enough nutrient,light,water, or perfect temperature...at last,it will still complete it fuit-genesis in 3 month.So,sour strawberry produced when it does not receive enough light and the temperature is not maintain at optimum level.

For your information,normally plant need around 16,000 flux of light per day for it to undergo normal processes of development throughout it life(this is vary with each types of plant).16,000 flux can be compare with light produce by 16,000 unit of candle.Regarding chrysanthemum story above,only 48 flux of light needed to create a condition of a daytime at night.

Another thing,there's a myth among us that state in rainy season,fruit such as watermelon become less sweet  because a lot of water diluting the sugar concentration in the fruit.The truth,Mr. Zul said that it's not because of that...it's actually related with the concept above.In rainy season,light source is limited.Thus,the sugar synthesis can't complete in time.In sunny season,the fruit become more sweet since more sugar synthesis can take place in the time for it maturation.

Why strawberry sweet at top of cameron highland,then become sour when we brought home?

Said Mr. Zul,at higher temperature the activity of certain enzyme is activated,making glucose to be converted into ascorbic acid.

Lastly,Mr. Zul give an advise for us which is: We need stress in our life so that we are always urge to achieve the best in our life.That't why we kept been told

InsyaAllah,may this knowledge bring benefit to all of us...
